
Sweet Potato Croquette And Kabocha Squash Curry

The 608 CSK
November 6, 2018

Meal 1: Sweet Potato Croquette, Succotash, Blue Moon Mixed Greens

·        Warm the croquettes on a oiled or lined cookie sheet at 325 for about 15 minutes  or until heated through.
·        Heat some oil in a sauté pan.  When hot add the succotash and sauté to heat through. Serve.
·        Dress and serve the greens.

Meal 2:  Kabocha Squash Curry w. Napa Cabbage, Kohlrabi-Kaffir Pickle, White Basmati with Herbs.

  • Warm curry gently and allow to simmer 1-2 minutes to finish the cabbage. Check the seasoning and add a fresh splash of fish sauce if you have it, being careful to not over-salt the dish. 
  • Serve the pickle chilled.
  • Heat the rice in a microwave with a splash of water, stir a time or two in the process. OR Heat 2-3T water per share in a sauté pan with a lid.  When hot add the rice and toss. Lid allowing to steam through.  Toss and lid again if necessary, adding a little extra water only if needed.  Serve hot, under the curry.

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