
Tomatillo Pozole and Sweet Corn Risotto

The 608 CSK
September 4, 2018

Meal 1: Sweet Corn Risotto, Sautéed Kale, Ratatouille of Roasted Vegetables

  • Heat a little olive oil over medium in a sauté pan. Remove and reserve the basil floret from the ratatouille jar.  When the oil is just shimmering add the contents of the jar and toss to heat and combine.  Chop the basil and add just as the ratatouille is about to finish. Season and serve.
  • Sautee the kale in a little butter or oil over medium heat. Cook to brighten and slightly wilt the kale. Use a lid to speed the process. Season.  Serve. Cook some minced garlic in the fat before adding the kale if you like. Be careful to not burn the garlic.
  • Microwave the jarred rice briefly in the microwave  to get the chill out. Ditto the corn sauce. Heat about 2 oz per share of water( or stock, or milk ) in a saucepan.  Season with a little salt and pepper.  When simmering ( or almost for milk) add the rice and stir to mix and smooth out.  Add more liquid ( carefully ) if necessary to get a soft porridge consistency. Allow to simmer while stirring. In 2-4 minutes the risotto should be done.  Check the seasoning and adjust as necessary. Taste some rice grains to see that all the raw starchiness is gone from the rice.  If not, cook longer adding liquid as necessary.  When done cooking add the corn/ sauce.  Fold in and serve.

Meal 2:Tomatillo Pozole,  Hopi Blue-Corn Bread, Summercrisp and Frissee Salad

·        Heat the pozole gently.  Omnivores looking to boost their protein might want to cook up some ground meat in the pan first, then add the pozole to finish, stirring gently.  We used ground pork last night and it was very nice.  Shredded meat of a kind would work too if you have some on hand.
·        Warm the bread either by toasting whole or sliced.  Our favorite way is to cut it into thick slices and pan fry in too much butter. Careful, the blue corn browns faster! About a minute per side does it. Beautiful heirloom corn meal from Lonesome Stone Milling in Lone Rock.
·        Dress and serve the salad.

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