
Heirloom Tomato Pizzas and Cabbage/New Potato Stew

The 608 CSK
August 28, 2018

Meal 1: Roasted Heirloom Tomato Pizza, Chick Peas  and Grilled Zucchini in Tomato-Basil Sauce, Blue Moon Greens Salad

  • Heat the pizzas on a baking sheet in a 425° oven. Done when the cheese starts to brown -  about 10 minutes.
  • Heat the chick peas gently.  Serve when hot.
  • Dress the green salad.

Meal 2:  French Cabbage and New Potato Stew, Green Lentils w. Chevre, Rye and Flax Boule

·        Heat the stew gently.  If you like, cut up and fry some bacon chunks in a pan first, then add the stew when crisp and bring to a simmer together.
·        Reserve the chevre ( it's OK to not get it all) and heat the lentils in a sauce pan with a little water ( or cream). Check the seasoning and add the chevre before serving.
·        Warm the bread.

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