
Veggie fried Rice and Pea Soup

The 608 CSK
July 3, 2018

Meal 1: Fried Rice-Veggie KABOOM!, Braised Tofu w. Snap Peas and Sweet Corn

  • remove the egg from the rice and reserve it.
  • Heat some oil in a sauté pan.  When smoking hot add the rice.  Larger shares should work in batches.  Stir and fry allowing the rice to color up a little and heat through.  Add the egg , stir and reserve.
  • Reheat the pan with more oil and stir fry the veggies, also in batches as needed.  Serve atop the rice.
  • Shake the jar with tofu gently but thoroughly to fully suspend the sauce.  Turn the contents out into a sauté pan and allow to simmer over medium high heat.  Stir and cook allowing the sauce to thicken and the peas to brighten.  Serve.

Meal 2: Sugar Snap Bisque, Semolina-Flax Batard, Frissee Salad.

·        The soup is best warmed lightly but is fine chilled.
·        Warm the bread ans serve with olive oil or soft butter.
·        Dress the salad.

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