
Thai Lettuce Wraps and Potato Wild Leek Soup

Meal 1: Coconut Milk Curry w. Bok Choi,  Thai Lettuce Wraps and Turnip Pickle.

·        NOTE:There are two bags of greens.  The greens for the wraps has large bib leaves only.  The salad has a mix of lettuce hearts, arugula, kale, and pea shoots.
  • Warm the curry gently.
  • Heat the pork or TVP mix with the bean sprouts in a sauté pan over medium heat.  Heat and toss gently .  When warm, spoon out into the large lettuce leaves.  Top with the turnip pickle and eat!
  • Another note, in the pork you might notice an inch long hair like fiber or two.  This is the rib from the kafir lime leaves I ground to season the pork.  It should not be a problem.  Is NOT hair, and I know how to avoid it next time.  Sorry, and thank you.

Meal 2: Potato and Wild Leek Soup, Semolina Flax Loaves, Blue Moon Farm Salad
·        NOTE:There are two bags of greens.  The greens for the wraps has large bib leaves only.  The salad has a mix of lettuce hearts, arugula, kale, and pea shoots.
  • Heat the soup gently.  Serve when just hot.
  • Warm the bread and serve with soft butter.
  • Dress those heavenly greens and rejoice that it is Spring!

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