
Grilled Greens Panzanella and Cauliflower Chowder

Meal 1: Bread Salad w/ Grilled Greens, Three Bean Salad, Farfalle with Zucchini and Chevre.

• Remove the crutons and toast them on a cookie sheet at 350°. When warmed and just toasted at the edges about 7 minutes, toss with the reserved greens to serve. Dress with a little vinegar and olive oil, S & P.
• Remove the pasta from the dish reserving the add-ins. Heat the pasta in a saute pan with a little oil and then a splash of water to heat it through. Using a lid for just a minute or two could be helpful. Add a little S & P, then the zucchini and onions. Toss and allow to heat through. Fold in the chevre. Serve.
• Serve the Three Bean Salad chilled. Add a little salt as this was omitted to prevent wateriness and discoloration.

 Meal 2: Cauliflower Chowder (D), Portuguese Corn Bread, Frissee Salad. 

• Shake the chowder jar vigorously and use a spatula to get every last drop out. Heat the soup gently and allow to simmer a minute or two.
• Warm the bread.
• Dress and serve the salad.

For no good reason I still fear that members will revolt if I use heavy cream. As Michael Pollan reports in In Defense of Food :after 25 years of research there is no evidence that a high fat diet is linked to either high cholesterol or heart disease. Yet our lipophobia persists. Meanwhile the hydrogenated oils we used to replace butter and cream were in fact killing us. We source Kalona Dairy organic grass-fed cream for our cooking. Grass-fed is key. Research has shown major benefits in foods from grass fed animals including high levels of Omega-3's , balanced Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, higher levels of vitamins, lower levels of saturated fats and cholesterol and on and on. Mostly these benefits are found specifically in the fats of the animal products being tested. So let's consider our food, and not fear it.

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