
Green Bean Casserole and Summertime Kasha w/ BowtiesKohlrabi Kraut

Beautiful Kosher Kings Seared and Ready to Braise

Meal 1: Green Bean Casserole, Summercrisp Salad, Semolina and Flax Loaves.
• Give the casserole a minute or two in the microwave to get the deep chill out. Heat in the oven at 325° for 15 -35 minutes depending on share size.
• Warm the bread.
• Dress and serve the salad.
• Check notes below for info on the kraut!

Kohlrabi Kraut

Meal 2: Summer Vegetable Kasha and Bowties, Russian Beet and Dill Salad, Kohlrabi Half-Sour Kraut 
 • Heat a generous amount of butter or neutral oil or a mix of both in a saute pan. Non-stick is great. When melted and the foam subsides from the butter add the kasha and bowties. Toss all to combine and let the butter begin to lightly brown some of the noodles. Add more butter if necessary. The butter really dresses this dish and adds a lot. Don't be afraid! Add a splash of water if necessary to aid larger shares in heating through. Check the seasoning and serve.
• Serve the beets and kraut chilled.


If you want to fully sour the kraut simply open the jar, place a smaller jar inside so it presses the kraut down, add water to the top jar to make it heavy, and be sure the liquid in the kraut fully covers the kraut itself ( this is key!). Add a little water if necessary. Store at room temp for 12 -24 hours. This is a 'live food' that we began fermenting yesterday. It is therefore 'Half-Sour' and will happily ferment for another day or so before being ready for indefinite refrigerated storage. Kraut is fun - perhaps we will hold a kraut class at our work kitchen ? Enjoy!

PS - how about that fuscia beet salad !?!

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