
Sweet Potato-Plantain Soup and Falafel

Meal 1: Sweet Potato and Plantain Soup, Black Beans and Rice, Latin Cole Slaw
·      Heat the soup gently on the stovetop.
·      Heat the rice and beans in a saute pan with a little oil.  Add a slpash of water, toss, and lid for a minute or so to heat through..
·      Toss the slaw in its dressing to re-coat, and add a little salt.  Salt was omitted to prevent wateriness.

Meal 2: Falafel Croquettes, Winter Tabbouleh, Tunisian Carrots

·      Warm the croquettes on a cookie tray in a 325° oven for about 20 minutes.
·      Heat the carrots in a saute pan with a little water.  Adjust the seasoning.

·      Serve the tabbouleh  at room temp.  dress with alittle olive oil, S and P if necessary to refresh.

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