
Roasted Squash, Roasted Onions, Sauteed Spinach, Green Anaheims, Brown Rice, Sweet Corn, Cilantro and Black Beans

Meal 1: Big Fat Burritos and South-West Butternut Squash Bisque
• Place the burritos on a cookie sheet and heat in the oven at 350 for 15 – 20 minutes depending on whether or not they are refrigerator cold or at room temp. When the tortilla wrapper is toasty and browned at the edges and maybe even sizzling slightly at the bottom. It's done. Eat this BFB with a fork and knife and some spicy yogurt on the side.
• Heat the soup and enjoy alongside the burrito.

Meal 2: Baked Ziti with Dreamfarm Chevre, Crave Bros. Mozzerella &/or Homemade Sausage , Mixed Greens Salad, Semolina Loaves
• Bake the ziti at 325 about 25 minutes for 2 shares, a bit longer for larger portions. Alternately, tip the container into a sauté pan and add a splash of water and a little olive oil to loosen things up. Allow the pasta dish to heat through and simmer a little in its sauce. Toss to melt the cheeses and heat the homemade sausage through. Adjust the seasoning.  Serve.
• Warm the bread and serve with a little olive oil for dipping.
• Dress and serve the salad.

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