
3 Radishes and Savory Rhubarb Tart

Meal 1: Savory Rhubarb and Chevre Tart, Spring Vegetable Pan Roast, Butterhead Lettuce Salad
• Warm the Tart on a cookie sheet and heat gently at 300 for 10 -15 minutes.
• Heat the pan roast quickly in a hot saute pan. 1-2 minutes. If you have a little left over meat, or some bacon or other morsel, heat that first in a little butter or oil and then add the pan roast letting it all finish together.
• Dress the salad and serve.

Meal 2: Green Garlic Soup, Pain d'Epi, Summer Crisp and Radish Salad 
 • Warm the soup.
• Heat the bread and soften some butter!
• Dress and serve the salad.

 NOTES: The pan roast is a quick stovetop stew. The feature in this one is radish - icicle, French breakfast, and cherry belle, plus Hakuri turnips, asparagus, the year's first snap peas and some green onions. Kate wants me to apologize for 2 salads this week, but I refuse. Those butter head lettuces are GORGEOUS and tasty too. Besides, she though 3 kinds of radish in one stew was crazy too and she licked her bowl clean. The rhubarb is from our garden and I just could not resist trying a savory spin of a traditionally sweet ingredient.

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